Good news for the Czechs. Croatia has changed the rules of travel

Cestování do Chorvatska

Czechs who had been vaccinated in the first weeks after the vaccination began were at risk of having to take the test due to a holiday in Croatia. The state considered that only the vaccinator received the second dose less than seven months ago.

That would be the case now or at the end of the summer, especially for the health professionals, educators or older adults, who created the vaccine first. Fortunately, Zagreb has extended the validity period to nine months and there is no risk of complications at the border during the holidays, Foreign Minister Jakob Kolhanek (CSSD) reported on Friday.

“Good news for our tourists heading to Croatia. Thanks to our initiative, the Croats have extended the vaccination period from 7 to 9 months after the second dose”, wrote on Twitter.

“The Czechs who were vaccinated among the first at the beginning of the year will be able to continue traveling to Croatia with a certificate of vaccination,” Kulhanek added.

In addition to vaccination, it is possible to come to Croatia with a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours or an antigen test no later than 48 hours. The country has also acknowledged that covid-19 has been confirmed in the past 180 days.

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