The “Chess Queen” is a grand example: This is how the Netflix TV series is redefining production standards, with repercussions in life

The “Chess Queen” is a grandiose example: this is how the Netflix TV series is redefining production standards, with real-life repercussions, through the so-called “Netflix effect”. And we? We are all under surveillance

In other words, Netflix is ​​factory compatible Pokemon That we order from Santa Claus every yearJust instead of giving life to stickers, create TV series in an audience of imaginative users. The power of storytelling is equal to an overdose of communicative ideologies That produces internal stimuli that are turned into reality. Our reality. Moreover, is this not the effect of good old cinema? Ah, the usual comparisons between relatives …

However, l’effetto, Netflix Existing She makes herself heard, or rather watched, and the cult series “Chess Queen” proved that, which has succeeded in pinning everyone’s curiosity on the screen, to the point that the sale of chessboards on eBay took off. On the other hand, with 62 million views behind it in its first month of release (exactly 28 days according to Netflix reports), it is not surprising that The number of subscribers has increased by 500%.

The password in the audiovisual ecosystem is “likelihood”. The catchy plot certainly won’t hurt: the parallels to the studied reality on the table soften the gears of this awesome story-making machine. Even if it’s on Netflix. Although in those days no woman managed to celebrate herself as the queen of the chess world.

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But it is true With the character of Pete Harmon To raise the level of our identity with all its strengths and weaknesses. Like her, we also like to destroy barriers raised by years of cultural delay and win our personal fights. Like her, we like to part ourselves in the worst moments of difficulty by drowning in our sorrows.

Maybe because, like her, we also want to win a game, chess, where luck doesn’t affect but everything is in our hands.


From Eleonora Santini

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