Game of Thrones: The board game

Game of Thrones: The board game

Asmodee Digital and developer Dire Wolf Digital are officially launched A Game Of Thrones: The Board Game – Digital Edition Today. If you are not familiar with the title, this is a digital adaptation of the Fantasy Flight Games version of the game, which was based on the George R. R. MartinHis novels, not the TV show. The game takes place after the death of King Robert Baratheon and allows each player to assume the role of one of the six great houses of the Seven Kingdoms. Then, of course, you all descend into the savages and attempt to assault King’s Landing and claim the Iron Throne. You can read more about the game below and check out the launch announcement.

Will you keep running the wheel or will you break it? Courtesy of Asmodee Digital.

Within 10 rounds, players must combine war, diplomacy, and deception to dominate strategic areas on the map. Each round in the game consists of three stages: the Westeros stage, the planning stage, and the action stage. Westeros stage represents special events and daily activities in Westeros, which will likely affect all homes. The planning stage sees players giving orders to their armies as diplomatic interactions forge or betray alliances. During the action phase, commands are resolved, so players can use well-known characters from their home, and their special abilities, to gain the upper hand and conquer their enemies. Finally, all homes can customize their effect to three different tracks that determine the role order (The Iron Throne Path), victories during relationships and ownership of Valyrian Steel’s combat ability (Fiefdoms Track) and the number of Special Requests available (The King’s Court track). Game of Thrones: Board Game – Digital Edition It allows up to six players to play online, including Elo-based seeder, or one player with up to five AI opponents to play locally. It’s the only game that captures the essence of Westeros’ political and military tactics, offering multi-layered strategies with the army being only one of many tools available, along with diplomacy and deception.

About Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is the current game editor for Bleeding Cool. He’s been a life-long geek who could chat with you about comics, TV, video games, and even professional wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend great random music, and become a villain in D&D. He also enjoys hundreds of other weird things that just can’t be covered in one paragraph. Follow TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vero, for random pics and reflections.

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