Former QuickTime engineer cracks M1 chip

Former QuickTime engineer cracks M1 chip

Perhaps one day, the M1 chip in new Macs will natively run any operating system, in addition to macOS. Of course, we don’t expect Apple to “unlock” its homemade chip for other operating systems, but the job is being done by former QuickTime team member Maynard Handley as reports WCCFTECH. We will find in this Title Version 0.7 of “Explore M1”, a 350-page document that describes as closely as possible the technical intricacies behind the on-chip system.

Handley explains that the report is the result of his research and expertise, as well as careful examination of Apple’s patents. He also warned that despite all his efforts, the document was important.” Possibly multiple errors He is not immediately the only one, several other researchers have also worked on this topic and the evidence will be updated with their findings.

“Dismantling” the M1 chip and its architecture is a heavy reverse engineering process. But the document can serve as essential support for anyone who wants to use Apple’s SoC and its successors as a driver for other operating systems. It’s still a long way from cup to lip, so don’t hold your breath.

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