For them, the dream of Tokyo comes true – Sports – News

For them, the dream of Tokyo comes true - Sports - News

Dennis Schindler, Svenja Meyer and Matthias Schindler have medal chances on bike and in wheelchair basketball.

By Klaus Dieter Watropa

Hate turns into love: Amberg’s Svenja Meyer strives for a medal in wheelchair basketball in Tokyo. Photo: Eibner press photo / Beaut.Sports / Eibner press photo / Kohring

Regensburg.You won’t find any athletes from the region at the Paralympics this time around. A swimmer like Anke Konrady of Regensburg, who played all six games from Atlanta 1996 to Rio 2016, was not allowed to jump to Tokyo. In addition to table tennis player and gold nominee Thomas Schmidberger of the Bavarian Forest (we mentioned), we found three other athletes associated with the top of the Palatinate: cyclists Matthias Schindler and Dennis Schindler and wheelchair basketball player Svenja Mayer.

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See also  Chelsea Transfer News: Take advantage of 'No My Doctor Kai Havertz Yet' With Ad Delayed | Football sport

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See also  Luca Stoles: "The race is finally over again"

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