Exciting: Fans from Finland and Denmark rallied to cheer for Eriksen

Exciting: Fans from Finland and Denmark rallied to cheer for Eriksen

After Christian Eriksen was knocked out of the Barken stadium in Copenhagen, fans from Denmark and Finland remained on the sports stage waiting for more information. At this time, both groups of fans gathered to send troops to the Danish player.

While Finnish fans shouted: Christian! The Danes responded with: Eriksen! These chants were repeated several times until they culminated in loud applause. A real show of support, solidarity and union was spreading around the world through social networks.

A similar reaction prompted the announcement from stadium speakers that Christian Eriksen was taken to a nearby hospital, and his condition is now stable. This message received applause from all present.

An encouraging medical report for Christian Eriksen after he fainted in the middle of the Eurocopa match

The horror that lasted more than ten minutes that Christian Eriksen lay in the Parken Stadion as a result of a sudden fainting was relieved after the encouraging letter from UEFA confirming that the player is stable in the hospital where he was located. Transfer after suffering from compensation.

Official statement from UEFA: “Following the medical emergency of Danish player Christian Eriksen, there was a crisis meeting with both teams and the referees. The player was taken to hospital and his condition is stable.” Hinge.

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