Draft COP26 unveiled in the UK…a call to ‘reconsider the Paris Agreement and advance targets’

英 COP26 초안 공개…"파리협정 재점검·목표 강화" 촉구

A draft COP26 was revealed in the UK..."Re-examine the Paris Agreement and advance the goals" urge
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. © Reuters = News1 © News1 reporter Jeong Yun Young

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Jeong Yun-young = With the 26th United Nations Climate Change Agreement (COP26) approaching expiration on the 12th day local time, a draft has been released stating that the carbon reduction goal should be further promoted.

According to the BBC and Reuters on the 10th, the UK, seat of the plenary, urged a review of the 2015 Paris Agreement to reduce carbon emissions by 2030 and reinforce the target of keeping them within 1.5 degrees before industrialization proposed a draft statement that

The draft includes calls for countries to phase out coal and stop subsidies for fossil fuels, and calls for developed countries and related organizations to more than double their funds to deal with the damage done to developing countries by climate change and sea level rise.

However, Reuters reported that rich countries have not fulfilled their promises to raise $100 billion annually in support of developing countries by 2020, and they expect to raise the Climate Fund three years later than they promised.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on the same day that “the negotiations are getting more difficult. We need a concrete plan acceptable to all countries, and there is still a lot of work to do.”

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