Donald Trump is close to beating Joe Biden in Florida as early results show a tight race – latest news

video: US election 2020 live: America votes for Joe Biden or Donald Trump for next president - latest news

W.Less than two hours remain until the polls close in Arizona, and a call at 11:00 by incumbent Republican Senator Martha Maxali tells a lot about the Republican Party’s hopes, according to the reports. Lawrence Dodds.

Maxalie, a former fighter pilot, got rush hour rush hour at a conservative local radio station to criticize her opponent Mike Kelly as a tool to make big money for Democrats and other outside interests.

Mark Kelly was hiding this entire campaign. [with] Streaming money from liberals and coastal elites, [Senate Democratic leader] Chuck Schumer and tens of millions of dollars for him have put together great TV ads, somehow believing he can be crowned Senator without working for it and fighting for him.

In the past, Arizona Republicans have relied on having a larger group of the usual hard-core voters than the Democrats. But polls have indicated that the independents are swinging towards Joe Biden, which means the Republican Party must dig deeper to compensate.

Meanwhile, there were sporadic reports of voter intimidation and allegations of voter suppression, as Spanish-speaking voters received threatening calls from unknown parties. Fortunately, most of the voting here appears to have gone smoothly.

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