Discover the Roman Amphitheater in Switzerland

Descubren anfiteatro romano en Suiza

team of Archaeologists in a Swiss Discover runway On the banks of the Rhine, in the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Augusta Raurica, located on the outskirts of Basel and on the current border between the Swiss state and Germany, according to the archaeological site administration.

It’s the third Augusta Raurica Coliseum It was discovered, and the discovery became possible with the beginning of December of works in the shed of the Basel Rowing Club, under the supervision of archaeologists, in which this structure was found by chance.

Although the site of the works, in an ancient Roman quarry, indicates that no significant structures will be discovered, archaeologists have found remains of an oval wall showing, with other elements, a runway presence from Late Antiquity, possibly IV. a century.

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The discovered complex would be about 50 meters long and 40 meters wide, and could be the most “modern” Roman amphitheater among all those discovered in the Roman Empire, because with the progress of Christianity in Rome from the third century, traditions such as those in gladiator fights were gradually abandoned .

With this, eight Roman amphitheaters have been discovered in Switzerland, some with their entire circumference visible, such as those at Aventicum and Vindonissa.


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