Discover the record-breaking Olympic Games between plays and streaming views

Closing Ceremony (foto Getty da uff stampa Discovery)

A few days after the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, it was time to take stock of Discovery which broadcast the Winter Games in 50 markets in Europe (excluding Russia) through 11 national productions and with coverage in 19 different languages, both on television and digital. platforms.

Boom to discover +

The broadcaster does not hide the satisfaction with the release of the record of audience records and online participation. Starting with Discover+, which recorded a total number of new subscribers equal to twice what was achieved in PyeongChang 2018.

In detail, according to a note from the group, the total number of visitors to Discovery platforms in Europe has reached more than 156 million, with more than 1 billion minutes of streamed viewing, which is 19 times higher than the last edition of the Winter Games.
Discover + and Eurosport streaming services (The 2022 Olympics were made available for viewing at Discover + in Denmark, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK. In all other European markets, except for Russia, Beijing 2022 was available at Digital Eurosport), the total number of users was 8 times higher From the previous winter’s release, the same users consumed more than twice the content compared to the average, exceeding 7 hours per user.

Tiananmen Square (Photo Lapresse – AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)

24% more on TV

The same trend was observed for linear TV channels, where viewers viewed an average of 24% more content than in 2018. and its local editions reached more than twice the number of users compared to the same period.

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The average audience for Eurosport’s linear channels remained in line with last winter’s release, despite a twofold decrease in TV usage compared to 2018. The audience for Discovery’s free channels in northern countries continued to grow: +88% in Norway, +83% in Sweden and +82 % in Finland. Eurosport channels have registered a significant increase in terms of audience and participation in several key markets, including Poland (+36%), Romania (+23%) and Italy (+250%).

“The Winter Olympics has been a huge success for Discover+, for all of our channels and platforms in Europe,” said Jean-Briac Perrett, President and CEO, Broadcasting and Global, noting that ratings remain strong on traditional channels. “More than half of new Olympic subscribers have also enjoyed the entertainment content offered by Discover+; a testament to the growth in depth and value of our offering.”

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