Diane Kruger speaking German in America with her young daughter

In her adopted American home in Atlanta, actress Diane Kruger also speaks to her daughter in German.
Augsburg/Atlanta – Hollywood actress Diane Kruger, 45, wants to bring her three-year-old daughter closer to Germany as a home.
“I would also like to give my daughter the opportunity to be in Germany. The movie star (“Troja”, “Inglourious Basterds”, “Out of Nowhere”), who grew up in Algermesen, Lower Saxony, from the movie “Augsburger Allgemeine” said I only speak German with her. “I know from my own experience how much I travel and live in other countries. The more open you are to other cultures, the more you will appreciate your own culture.”
Life in Atlanta
Kruger said she is trying to raise her daughter to love traveling and to be okay with all cultures. “I really enjoyed living in Paris. I hope to live there again.” Currently, Krueger, who moved from Germany to France as a model, lives with her partner Norman Reedus (“The Walking Dead”) in the United States. “I’ve really settled in Atlanta. My partner has a house there and we’re thinking about keeping it. We’re out there in the country. It’s a different thing for a kid growing up in the country. That way, we can spend half the year there in the future.”
Kruger’s new movie “The 355” will be released on January 6th. It is being advertised as a feminist thriller. dpa