Defeat for Pakistan – News 360 – Sports

Defeat for Pakistan - News 360 - Sports

Cape Town: South Africa defeated Pakistan by 17 points in the second round of ODI to tie the three-game series. The result: South Africa 341 for six of 50 plus Pakistan 324 for nine of 50 plus.

The top scorers were Temba Puma (92), Kenton Deacock (80) and Van der Dawson (60). Ultimately, David Miller was unbeaten in 50 of 27 balls.

In response, Pottery Zaman hit 193 out of 155 balls with 18 quarters and 10 sixes. There was no one else to support him.

That wasn’t necessary, de Kock

Former Pakistani wicket keeper Quinton de Koch has been criticized by former Pakistani leaders for having lost a double century by Pottery Zaman. In the 50th minute, Fakhr ran to the end of the forwards in the second round, while De Cook signaled Aidan Markram for throwing a non-attacking end. Upon seeing this, Pottery slowed down. Pottery ran out after stumbling at the end of a hit with a straight throw.

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