Covid: The White House aide tests positive as military commanders quarantine

Covid: The White House aide tests positive as military commanders quarantine

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Stephen Miller, senior policy adviser at the White House, says he has tested positive for COVID

Covid-19 is most prevalent among President Trump’s close associates, with White House adviser Stephen Miller and a senior military official infected.

Miller, who has been self-isolating for the past five days, confirmed that he had contracted the Coronavirus on Tuesday.

US General Mark Milley and other military commanders are also subject to quarantine, after Admiral Charles Ray, a Coast Guard official, was tested positive.

Other officials are isolating themselves “out of extreme caution.”

Admiral Ray, the deputy commander of the US Coast Guard, is said to have mild symptoms.

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Environmental Protection Agency

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Mark Milley is among those undergoing self-quarantine

The Pentagon said that while officials who attended meetings with Admiral Ray last week are now subject to quarantine, no positive symptoms or symptoms have emerged so far.

It is not known how Admiral Ray contracted the virus. The admiral attended an event at the White House about 10 days ago, but it is not clear if he had the virus there or elsewhere, officials told the Associated Press.

US President Donald Trump and other White House officials have tested positive for the Coronavirus in recent days.

The Coast Guard said in a statement that Admiral Ray tested positive on Monday and is now isolated at home. She added that any Coast Guard personnel who had close contact with him would also be subject to quarantine.

BBC CBS News partner reported that nearly all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – a body made up of top military officials advising the US president – were in quarantine after attending meetings with Admiral Ray last week.

In addition to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milly, she said others in quarantine include the Deputy Chief of Staff, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Commander of the CyberCom, the Commander of the Space Force, and the Commander. National Guard and Deputy Commander of the Marine Corps.

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United States Coast Guard

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The US Coast Guard said Admiral Charles Raye had experienced mild symptoms before testing for the Coronavirus

“There has been no change in the operational readiness or mission capacity of the US armed forces,” Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told reporters.

“The senior military commanders are able to remain able to fully perform the tasks and perform their duties from an alternate workplace,” he said.

The Pentagon is tracking calls related to last week’s meetings.

Cases are growing in the White House

Meanwhile, since President Trump tested positive last week, a number of senior Republicans and others close to him have been confirmed to have the virus.

This includes first lady Melania Trump, her assistant Hope Hicks, and several Republican senators.

Press Secretary Kylie McNani tested positive, announced her diagnosis on Monday, and three other members of the press office staff – Chad Gilmartin, Caroline Levitt and Galen Drummond – tested positive on Tuesday.

Ms McNani was seen speaking to reporters without wearing a mask on Sunday, but she said the White House Medical Unit did not list any of the press personnel as being in close contact.

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Media explanation“Now I’m Better, Maybe I’m Immune”: Trump’s controversial return to the White House

Several people in Trump’s inner circle who tested positive for the virus attended Gathered at the White House Rose Garden on September 26 It is being examined as a “hyperpagal event”.

There is another case of Corona virus that emerged from this event, as the president revealed his candidate for the US Supreme Court, a Christian minister from California.

Reverend Greg Lowry, who was said to have mild symptoms, was with US Vice President Mike Pence earlier that day at a prayer rally in central Washington, DC.

Plexiglass will be used for separation Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic challenger Kamala Harris are limiting the risk of Covid virus transmission when they compete head-to-head in a debate in Salt Lake City, Utah on Wednesday. Both candidates have recently shown negative results.

Meanwhile, President Trump returned to the White House yesterday after being hospitalized due to the virus.

While at Walter Reed Medical Center, he was treated with dexamethasone – a steroid medicine commonly given to severe and critical Covid patients – and supplemental oxygen.

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