Clarisse reviews the TV series sequel to Silence of the Innocents on Ray 2

Clarisse reviews the TV series sequel to Silence of the

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Clarice on Rai 2, from Friday 9 April, the sequel to Il Silenzio degli Innocenti, the plot of the first two episodes

It is premiering tonight at the world show Ray 2 at 22:00 after NCIS 18 The first season of Clarisse, Television series, produced by MGM and CBS Studios, developed by Alex Kurtzman, and is kind of a sequel. Silence of the innocent And from it comes the character of the protagonist Clarisse Starling.

If Hannibal stops introducing the character of an FBI agent, Clarisse On the contrary, Hannibal Lecter will never be mentioned due to restrictions on the character’s rights, and will refer to events but without naming the character. The episodes are also in flow Sue Ray Play.

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Clarisse – the plot of the television series

Let’s find out what it is all about Clarisse, The sequel to the television series that includes the character Clarisse Starling from The Silence of the Lambs. The series is set in 1993, a year after the events of the book and the movie. Clarisse She is an intelligent but at the same time weak woman, she has a complex childhood that has increased her strength over the years, a past that she is trying to escape from, but still haunts her. The limits that are also its strength are able to give instinct and unpredictability. She will find herself investigating many of the murders as she searches for herself.


Alex Kurtzman would have announced that he imagined the series as a broadcast producer, possibly Paramount + and that he didn’t want to take any action. Unfortunately it takes a few minutes to be turned down. Clarisse is a procedural one that pretends it isn’t Introduce some flahbacks to reconnect with the protagonist’s story, but it is the episode’s issue to be resolved in order to reinforce the central story. However, the elements of the genre are all present from the “superstar” client who recommended and disliked his new boss, to the surprising intuition that creates turning points. In short, even with some brave choices, we are faced with a classic detective story that manages to not disappoint the typical CBS viewer in the US and Ray 2 in Italy. The choice of the protagonist does not help, perhaps it would have been difficult to find a less attractive person. He is rated 6 because his work in police entertainment does it in the best way. Ricardo Cristeli

Episodes on Friday, April 9th

1 x 01 – Silence is overA year has passed since the killing of “Buffalo Bill” and FBI Agent Clarice Starling must be evaluated by an analyst with the task of determining whether she can be re-admitted to the field after the traumatic events in which she was involved. Ruth Martin, Catherine’s mother, the girl who escaped death thanks to Clarice, became the attorney general of the United States and summoned Clarice to Washington to be included in an anti-violent crime task force – VICAP – led by Agent Kreindler.

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1 x 02 Ghosts: In Tennessee, an ATF agent was injured while filing a warrant to search for a recovery community run by a dangerous extremist. About to be kicked out of the team due to disobedience, Clarisse is drawn into negotiations by the leader of the besieged group. While staying indoors, Clarisse will discover that the municipality is not what it seems at all, and that in order to control it, she will have to deal with her past.


  • Rebecca Pridz Like Clarice Starling
  • Michael Cudlitz And Paul Kreindler,
  • Luca de Oliveira Thomas Esquivel
  • Cal Bin Shan Tripathi
  • Nick Sandow It’s Agent Clark,
  • Devin Tyler The Ardelia Map
  • Marnie Carpenter It will be Catherine Martin, the woman Clarice is rescued while searching for a serial killer.
  • Jane Atkinson Ruth Martin, the new attorney general, will be Catherine’s mother.
  • Shawn Doyle It would be Clarice’s healer, who takes care of her at Quantico.
  • Tim Guinea Instead, he will be the leader of a separatist militia.

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