China warns against ‘playing with fire’: US invites Taiwan to attend online summit for democracy – Politics

China warns against 'playing with fire': US invites Taiwan to attend online summit for democracy - Politics

Amid strained relations with China, the US government has invited Taiwan to attend its online summit on democracy. The list released by the US State Department on Tuesday (local time) included more than 100 participating countries. China and Russia were not among them.

As for Taiwan, Digital Minister Audrey Tang and US diplomatic envoy Hsiao Bi-Kim will take part in the talks on December 9-10, the East Asian island nation’s foreign ministry said.

[Lesen Sie hier ein Interview mit Audrey Tang: „Ohne Breitband für alle ist jede Demokratie illegitim – von der Hackerin zur Ministerin (T+)]

China warned the United States on Wednesday not to “play with fire” and provoke confrontations. A Beijing Foreign Ministry spokesman called on the White House to adhere to the one-China principle. The invitation to Taiwan is totally rejected.

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As part of the one-China policy, the United States does not have formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan, so the interests of the two countries are represented by the so-called representatives who have the same status as ambassadors.

The Communist leadership of China had recently again threatened to invade Taiwan for “reunification”. Beijing considers Taiwan part of the People’s Republic of China, while the island republic of 23 million considers itself independent.

[Lesen Sie auch: Roman über die Geschichte Taiwans – Stephan Thomes „Pflaumenregen“ (T+)]

The United States has recently tightened its policy towards China significantly during the tenure of President Donald Trump. His successor to the position, Joe Biden, asserted in his first online summit with Chinese head of state and party leader Xi Jinping about a week ago that the United States still feels bound by the one-China policy, under which Beijing is seen as the legitimacy. China representative. He reiterated, however, that the United States firmly opposes “unilateral efforts” to change the status quo on Taiwan or undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

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[Jeden Donnerstag die wichtigsten Entwicklungen aus Amerika direkt ins Postfach – mit dem Newsletter “Washington Weekly” unserer USA-Korrespondentin Juliane Schäuble. Hier geht es zur kostenlosen Anmeldung.]

Biden announced the Democracy Summit in August. Thus, the main themes will be defense against tyranny, the fight against corruption, and the promotion of respect for human rights. Another summit is scheduled to be held a year later to show progress in fulfilling the commitments. (dpa)

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