Blanks to fill – Freiburg
Behind the scenes, work is underway on an NS Documentation Center concept/memorial room with original stones from the synagogue.
. Regardless of the fact that the renovation and opening of the NS Documentation Center has been postponed to mid-2022 and the end of 2023 (BZ reported), planning continues for the concept of the new institution: in the inner courtyard, which was part of the renovation of the former Traffic Bureau built in 1934 into 36 traffic offices in Rotkring is getting a glass ceiling, and a memorial room is slated to be built, announced the facility’s head, Julia Wallrap.
This memorial hall aims to commemorate all groups persecuted by the Nazis with texts, images and exhibits: Jews, homosexuals, political opponents of the Nazi regime, religious groups such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, forced labor, Sinti and Roma, people in the resistance and with disabilities who were killed in the Nazi euthanasia program. Some of the stones of the destroyed synagogue and which were revealed in the Old Synagogue plaza at the end of 2016 will be included in the floor of the remembrance room — not following the synagogue’s outline or a particular symbolism, but “splintered” for example, so that the destruction of the synagogue is also expressed, “explains Woolrap. The synagogue next to the first building of the university burned down on the night of November 9-10, 1938 in Freiburg, like many synagogues throughout Germany.
The names of all victims who were killed by the regime must …
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