Athletics – Curtan – Javelin thrower Vetter triumphant return in Finland – Sports

Athletics - Curtan - Javelin thrower Vetter triumphant return in Finland - Sports

Curtan/Finland (dpa) – Javelin thrower Johannes Vetter is back in athletics after four weeks with another 90-meter throw. The 28-year-old from Offenburg won the meeting in Curtan, Finland, on Saturday evening, with a distance of 93.59 metres. With this, the 2017 world champion confirmed his favorite position for the Olympic Games in Tokyo.

After being the world’s best player of the year at 96.29m on May 19, Vetter took a break from the European Tag Team Championship in Poland due to telephoto issues. He also missed the German championship in Braunschweig at the beginning of June. Witter plans to start another next Tuesday in Lucerne.

At Kuortane, the internationally distinguished player since 2020 has once again left the competition behind – two valid attempts were enough for Vetter. Second place was London Olympic champion Kishorn Walcott (Trinidad and Tobago) with a difference of 89.12 meters from India’s Neeraj Chopra (86.79).

In Lucerne, Vetter competitor Thomas Röhler is eagerly awaited to appear on the scene. The Rio Olympic champion from Jena interrupted his national championship after a failed attempt and complained of chest pain. Rohler hasn’t competed in 2020 and has to worry about his Olympic ticket. The other candidates for the two remaining seats in Tokyo besides Vetter are Julian Weber of Mainz and Bernhard Seifert of Potsdam.

Last September, Witter set the German record at 97.76 meters in Chorzow, Poland. The world record for Czech Jan Zelezny has reached 98.48 meters since May 1996.

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