Asunemi, Patricia Greco, is appointed to the presidency for a two-year term 2021-2022

Asunemi, Patricia Greco, is appointed to the presidency for a two-year term 2021-2022

(Teleborsa) – Patricia Greco She was appointed to head Acnem For the biennium 2021-2022. Greco, Vice President of the Confederation of Italian Joint Stock Companies, will replace Innocenzo Cipolletta. The board of directors and the Assonime board met this morning by videoconference under Cipolletta’s chair. The Council heard a report Articles Appointed to conduct consultations with the purpose of identifying the new president, as the office of President Cibolita is not renewable according to the statute.

The Elders informed the Board that a consensus had been reached from the consultations for the reference Patrizia Greco. Then the board decidedconsensus To appoint Vice President Grieco as President of Assonime for a term of two years. The appointment will be discussed beforeThe gathering every two years To be held on June 17th.

After Assonime Board Discussion Outlook – Perspectives economic Italian and international: Globally, the latest projections outline a strong picture of recovery driven by vaccination campaigns, but also by strong growth prospects. United State H China. “at ItalyThere are various signs of an economic recovery, even if domestic demand remains weak. Expect spending to Maintenance work From legacy Housing, education and infrastructure projects that have completed the licensing process, but are awaiting funding, will give an immediate boost to growth. On the action front, it is especially urgent to step in to increaseFemale occupationReads a note from the association.

Reports Working groups For 2020 which will be published in the next few days. The first reports are coordinated by Patricia Greco, Is dedicated toDuties of managers and sustainabilityIt intends to enhance the active participation of the business system in achieving the objectives related to sustainable corporate governance, with the aim of contributing, through incremental and proportionate measures, to building a sustainable European business model.

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The second report is coordinated by Cesar Avenia, Is dedicated toInnovation for Sustainable Growth: Business Strategies and Public PolicyThe topic covered is how to reconcile improving environmental sustainability, business competitiveness and economic growth. The report identifies various public policy interventions to remove many administrative and organizational barriers to innovation; it also stresses the importance of implementing a systemic system of qualifying contracting authorities, with particular attention paid to Environmental skills.

Finally, the board agreed to‘admission Among the companies associated with Banca del Mezzogiorno-Mediocredito CentraleAnd the ExperiaAnd the Phillips H Techno CapitalAnd he was chosen from among the members of the executive authority Roberto MavigliaHead of the industrial chain.

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