Astrazeneca’s stop affects vaccinations in the Straubing District

Astrazeneca's stop affects vaccinations in the Straubing District

– Image of the symbol: dpa

The federal government has temporarily stopped vaccination with Astrazeneca. This also has an effect on the vaccination campaign in the Straubing region.

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As the county office announced Monday evening, vaccinations with Astrazeneca were stopped during Monday. Another vaccine has been introduced for both vaccines. All appointments on Mondays can be covered with another vaccine.

Also Dates on Tuesday It should stay – here, too, according to the district office, “another vaccine” is being offered. If possible, concerned persons should be contacted in advance. Appointments may be canceled in individual cases. Concerned persons must be informed in advance.

For him, the situation is still unclear Wednesday. A new plan will be developed based on other vaccines. How many appointments to be made remains open according to the district office. Patients whose appointment has been canceled will receive an email, SMS, or phone call, depending on the type of registration. If an appointment is canceled, you must wait for a new appointment to be invited by email or phone. “In the absence of a vaccine, this should not be the case immediately,” the district office said. And: “If you don’t get a refusal, you can keep your appointment.” – Age

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