Apex Legends adds a long awaited feature

Apex Legends adds a long awaited feature

Apex Legends It adds a super easy gameplay feature, although it remains to be seen exactly when it will be added. Since the release of the free battle royale game on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, Apex Legends Players demanded one quality of life feature that became more and more desired as the game menu and character screen expanded. More specifically, fans have been asking for a “Mark everything as visible” button on the character’s screen since launch, however it is not present, but fortunately this will change soon.

The news comes via Reddit developer Respawn, who responded to a fan’s question about the feature. As you know, Respawn confirmed that they have been looking into adding the feature, but that was a while ago, and there has been no update for it since. However, according to the developer mentioned above, this feature is not only still to come but it is coming in the next patch. When the next correction falls, it’s not revealed, but it should be soon as Respawn prepares to play for Christmas and the rest of the holiday seasons in December.

As we’ve indicated, all we know is that the feature is coming via the next patch for the game. At the moment there is no information on how to implement it, but its implementation should be relatively straightforward since it is a very clear feature with which you can only do much in terms of perception.

Can we have the “Mark all as seen” button? It will be useful instead of going through all the menus to clear the codes. from P / apexlegends

Of course, small features like these don’t affect the quality of the game, but they can have a huge impact on someone’s enjoyment of the game, especially over time.

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Apex Legends Available for free on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It can also be played on PS5, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S via backwards compatible, and is in development for Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

For more coverage on the popular and free Battle Royale game, including the latest news, rumors and leaks, click here.

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