American Football – At Biden’s Reception: Brady’s targeted tips against Trump – Sports

American Football - At Biden's Reception: Brady's targeted tips against Trump - Sports

Washington (AFP) – Tom Brady mocked his predecessor Donald Trump as US President Joe Biden greeted the Tampa Bay Pirates.

At the White House, the 43-year-old playmaker for the North American League champions looked back on the NFL season. In doing so, he compared those who refused to accept Trump’s election defeat with those who did not believe Tampa Bay would defeat the favorite Kansas City presidential candidates 9-31 in the February final.

“Not a lot of people thought we could win,” Brady said. “In fact, I think 40 percent of people still don’t believe we won. Can you sympathize with that, Mr. President?” Biden responded to the laughter of his Brady teammates: “I can do that.”

A link between Biden and Brady

The two men also share a similar surname. Biden, who received the number 46 shirt as President of the United States of America, was dubbed “Sleepy Joe” among others in the battle for office. Brady briefly forgot in a season match how many attacking attempts his team had been involved in. Then he was called “Sleepy Tom”. “Why are they doing this to me?” Brady asked cheerfully.

As Biden pointed out. As the oldest president of the United States, he said of Bruce Arians, who was the oldest coach to lead a team to the title, and of old mentor Brady: “You won’t hear jokes from me about age. As far as I’m concerned, I can say there’s nothing wrong with being the oldest person to reach Mountain’s peak “.

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It was Brady’s first visit by a president since the George W. Bush administration in 2005. He was absent from the 2015 title when Barack Obama took office and in 2017 for Trump. In 2019, he and the New England Patriots gave up their visit altogether, even though Brady was still considered a big supporter in Trump’s first campaign. However, support gradually waned.

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