Aliens sending signals from space? The discovery of mysterious radio waves by Australian researchers – Marathi News | Australian researchers have detected mysterious radio waves, random radio signals from space, Australian square kilometer array Pathfinder

Aliens sending signals from space?  The discovery of mysterious radio waves by Australian researchers - Marathi News |  Australian researchers have detected mysterious radio waves, random radio signals from space, Australian square kilometer array Pathfinder

Sydney: Researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia claim that a new controversy has arisen. The research, conducted by the International Federation of Astronomers, has been published in the Astrophysical Research Journal. In January of this year, mysterious radio waves were detected in the center of the Milky Way. Entirely new radio waves are found. The team obtained its first signal while scanning the sky with the Australian Square Kilometer Radio Telescope (ASKAP) in the outback of Western Australia.

Often the signal is detected
The signal appeared 4 more times in the weeks after the first signal, said Tara Murphy, a professor at the University of Sydney who co-authored the research. The signal came from a source named ASKAP J173608.2-321635, which disappeared after a while. A few months later, the signal was found twice again. Sometimes the signal does not come for several days, but sometimes the signal comes and goes several times in one day.

Signal speed is very incomprehensible

According to scientists, not only was the timing of the signal incomprehensible, but its speed was also very high. The researchers claim that these may be 100 times faster than the radio spectrum. Meanwhile, the researchers also said that this does not mean that they have discovered extraterrestrials.

Signal received after three months of hard work

The team of researchers used the Meerkat radio telescope. In addition to the radio signal, pictures of the signal can also be taken with it. The researchers were unsuccessful in the first three months, but received indications in February. It was a very strong signal. Another signal was received on the second attempt.

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Web address: Australian researchers have detected mysterious radio waves, random radio signals from space, Australian square kilometer array Pathfinder

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