Afghanistan: Evacuation of dogs and cats sparks controversy in the UK

Afghanistan: Evacuation of dogs and cats sparks controversy in the UK
Farthing’s insistence on having his animals taken out while many Afghans were left behind has been widely criticized in the UK. | Photo: Getty Images

Controversy in the UK after dogs and cats were evacuated from Afghanistan. The issue sparked controversy after this country ended its military operations in this country and left hundreds of Afghan collaborators behind. In the territory controlled by the Taliban.

The kingdom United This Saturday the eviction process concluded Afghanistan After leaving a trip with his last soldiers in the country and said he regretted It was not able to remove hundreds of Afghan collaborators.

The Ministry of Defense tweeted that “last flight carrying members of the British Armed Forces has left Kabul”, a message accompanied by a picture of tired soldiers boarding the plane.

Hours ago, it was kingdom United One last plane was sent to evacuate the civilians from it Afghanistan, and devoted his last efforts to pull Remaining diplomatic and military personnel before the August 31 deadline for the withdrawal of US forces.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson thanked everyone involved in the operation and confirmed that 15,000 people had been evacuated in less than two weeks.

“I want to thank everyone who participated and the thousands who have served there over the past two decades,” he said in a message on social media.

It was heartbreaking not being able to get everyone out: the British Armed Forces

The kingdom United This Saturday the eviction process concluded Afghanistan After leaving a trip with his last soldiers in the country. | Photo: AFP

The Commander of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, General Nick Carter, He said the eviction had “goed perfectly”, but that it was “heartbreaking” not to “be able to get everyone out”.

According to Carter, the number of Afghan The eligible who was not evacuated was “from about hundreds“.

Defense Secretary Ben Wallace earlier estimated this at between 800 and 1100 . Afghan Eligible to move under the scheme kingdom United They “failed” to get out.

Evacuation of dogs and cats causes controversy

Among the last to withdraw from Kabul was the British director of the animal charity Nawzad or Paul or “Ben” Farthing, whose campaign to evacuate 200 cats and dogs on a private charter plane has sparked controversy in the United States. kingdom United.

“We are relieved to confirm that the animals Pen and Nowzad have left Afghanistan In the afternoon they are a Saved,” this organization wrote on Twitter.

Farthing’s insistence on service a they animals while many Afghan stay behind, including some Nawzad workers, has been widely criticized in kingdom United.

The Chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, Tom Tugendhat a LBC Radio that an Afghan translator worked for him kingdom United I asked him, “Why is my five-year-old son less than a dog?”

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