AC Milan also participates in the World Esports Championship Brawl Stars

Italy is now, albeit slowly, experiencing a video game transformation as the younger generation increasingly abandons the console to play on a smartphone. With the growth of users on smartphones and tablets, the number of players trying the competitive path in many of the current titles is also increasing. One such game is undoubtedly Brawl Stars, a Supercell video game of the Moba genre that has now been at the helm of the mobile world for several years, especially in the West, and is already the protagonist in the recent Italian IIDEA Esports Awards as a top five nominee for the award. The best esports game of the year.
hero teams
Brawl Stars has been and remains a very present title in Italy, the protagonist in two editions of the Italian ESL Championship in recent years. The results can now be seen at international level with four players in attendance at the World Cup which will take place from November 26-28 in Bucharest, Romania. Sixteen teams will compete for the final cup, and among those to stamp the card for the Italians, there are two facts that we now know very well: on the one hand, the response stamps, on the other hand, AQ Milan, or the team born out of the partnership between the esports organization Kalash and the Rossoneri club.
I am the protagonist player
However, if the AQ Milan team consists of Spanish players, the Reply Totem is entirely Italian with Maurizio “More” Tono, Marouane “Maro Lahrach” and Andrea “SoiDeBresa” Beloati as champions, led by coach Umberto “Inso” Santarello. With the help of analyst Sergio “Canro” Cantalapedra and manager Alejandro “Aleez” Correas Ceruelo. Thanks to a training camp specially set up to prepare for the last monthly finals of the season and continuous work during the year, the response totem is finally ready to face the most important international event of the season, the point of reaching this number. Players have dreamed since Now. From the beginning of their path. The response reaches the world as the third power in the EMEA region, i.e. EMEA, behind SK Gaming, namely AQ Milan. Fabio Cuciari, CEO of Reply Totem stated enthusiastically: “Hard work pays off and this Just another confirmation. We couldn’t be happier now. A reality like Totem, born in a period of lockdown, can proudly say that he will be participating in his second World Final in a year, after competing with Apex Legends.”
1 million prizes
The 16 eligible teams will compete in the knockout draw, with the best 5 matches, which in addition to glory also awards $1 million in prize money. However, we talked about four Italians: the last, but not least, is Mummy Jordan, an Italian player who is currently on the French BK Rog Esports team, who also called for the Italian flag to be raised.