One destination in Italy. The reason is special

TripadvisorThe popular US website for hotel reviews, restaurants, bed and breakfasts, accommodation reservations, and other travel-related content has released the results of annual reports. Travelers’ Choice AwardsAwards for the best destinations in the world based on the ratings provided by users on the platform.
The data collected by Tripadvisor made it possible to place the rating “The 10 most famous destinations in the world”, which are the ten most popular destinations around the world. In the ranking, where Dubai stands out in the first place, there is also an Italian city.
Rome is among the 10 most popular destinations in the world on Tripadvisor
Rome It is the only destination in Italy included in the ranking of the top ten destinations in the world according to Tripadvisor’s Traveller’s Choice Awards. Not only that: the capital has also been voted the best destination in the world for food lovers. And so continues the great international success of the capital, already included in the ranking of the most searched Italian cities on Google in 2021.
After being nominated by Prime Minister Mario Draghi to host the Expo 2030, Rome remains one of the most sought-after cities by tourists who come from every corner of the planet to enjoy its beauty, from Colosseo To the Trevi Fountain, passing through the Basilica of San Pietro and the steps of the Trinita dei Monte.
According to the survey conducted by DEEP Ecosystems based on the ESG Innovation Index for City of the Future, Rome is one of the European cities of the future, and megacities globally recognized as poles of sustainable innovation on the Old Continent.
In the Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Awards ranking, it ranks among the world’s most popular destinations Dubai. The United Arab Emirates city combines modern culture and history, offering adventure and excellent services in terms of shopping and entertainment.
In second place after Dubai, we find the first European city in the top ten: London. The UK capital is the nerve center of the economy and cradle of artistic trends of all kinds, as well as being home to the world’s most famous, loved and talked about royal family. After Dubai and London, it is on the lowest rung of the podium Cancun In Mexico, a destination that attracts tourists from every continent, offering great resorts and nightlife is especially appreciated by students on vacation.
Ranked 4th in Tripadvisor’s Most Popular Destinations Reserved Bali, a true Indonesian paradise of white beaches that also includes a pristine underwater coral ridge. We return to Europe for fifth place in the ranking I occupied chalk, an island in Greece with enchanting beaches and a guardian of one of the most important historical, artistic and legendary heritage in the entire world.
Immediately after Crete, as mentioned earlier, in sixth place is Rome, which is ahead of it Cabo San Lucas, another Mexican destination listed at position number seven. In eighth place, however, there Istanbul, a city in Turkey and the real pearl of the Bosphorus. They close the arrangement Paris e Hurghada, a popular tourist resort on the coast of the Egyptian Red Sea.
Tripadvisor, ranking of the 10 most popular destinations in the world
- #1 Dubai (UAE)
- #2 London (UK)
- #3 Cancun (Mexico)
- #4 Bali (Indonesia)
- #5 Crete (Greece)
- #6 Rome (Italy)
- #7 Cabo San Lucas (Mesico)
- #8 Istanbul (Turkey)
- #9 Paris (France)
- #10 Hurghada (Egypt)