A space for culture: Geesthacht plans cultural space registry – LOZ-News

A space for culture: Geesthacht plans cultural space registry - LOZ-News

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Geesthacht (LOZ). The population of Geesthacht is constantly growing, and the desire for cultural events is growing. Against this background, the city of Geesthacht plans to publish on its website an overview of rooms (www.geesthacht.de) that can be rented for cultural events.

“Culture needs space and with this offer the City of Geesthacht would like to make planning easier for those working in the arts. We look forward to receiving feedback from the providers of Geesthacht rooms and the institutions that rent out their buildings. Our coverage of the space will include both private and urban options. It is important that all providers assume Responsibility for the accuracy of their information. The City of Geesthacht will update the offer annually in the future and hopes to be able to offer such a steadily growing platform,” says Isabelle Stammer of Geesthacht’s Department of Education.

At the end of September, the City of Geesthacht will send inquiries to room providers it already knows. At the same time, anyone who rents rooms inside Geesthacht can contact [email protected] by October 30.

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