One third of tree species are threatened with extinction worldwide

At least 58,497 tree species have been examined. About a third of them are threatened with extinction worldwide, according to a report Published Wednesday, September 1, which warns that climate change could harm entire forest ecosystems.
This “State of the World’s Trees” is coordinated by the International Botanic Garden Conservation Organization (BGCI), which brings together botanic gardens and experts from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Shows 17,500 tree species are threatened with extinction, with an additional 7% ‘Maybe threatened’.
Even common trees, such as magnolia, are among the most endangered, and oak, maple and ebony are spared. A total of 142 species are considered uprooted and more than 440 species on the verge of extinction, with fewer than 50 trees remaining in the wild worldwide.
Cutting down trees and clearing forests to make room for crops or livestock are the biggest threats to trees.
“Many species are on the verge of extinction, and some are still with only one individual alive”Jean-Christophe Fee, director general of the Switzerland-based Franklinia Foundation, was concerned when presenting the report. Judged “shocking” Constantly high levels of deforestation, trees play a vital role in nature, providing a habitat for many animal and plant species, absorbing carbon dioxide, and providing ingredients for some medicines.
Brazil, which is home to a large part of the Amazon rainforest, has the most tree species (8,847) and the largest number of threatened species (1,788), as a result of intensive agriculture. But the highest proportion of threatened species is found in the tropics of Africa, particularly in Madagascar and Mauritius where respectively 59% and 57% of the species are threatened with extinction.
For Jean-Christophe Wie, restoring forests to fight climate change is “Great opportunity to change this terrible picture”. He emphasizes that you have to make sure that the right trees are planted in the right place. “If only we could learn to respect trees, the many environmental challenges would undoubtedly benefit”, notice.