Netflix, a super surprise for anime fans: all the news

Netflix, a super surprise for anime fans: all the news

A super novelty for anime fans, Netflix is ​​thinking of a surprise for its users

Branded indiscretion diverse The one who sees the heroes Netflix NS Pokemon. Anime fans are not on their feet, and if confirmation of the idea arrives, it will be a real bombshell of success for the streaming platform.

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currently diverse Does not contain details about the brand new project Netflix, but the idea is to make a live TV series similar to the movie “Detective Pikachu” With Ryan Reynolds NS Judge Smith Released in 2019.

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Netflix, all that is known about the live Pokémon series

Detective Pokemon (Twitter)

On top of the project who would see I Pokemon on the earth Netflix it will be Joe Henderson He is currently a co-presenter and executive producer of the popular series The devil Who writes his sixth and final season. Adding to the hype is the fact that neither of them Netflix Neither Henderson respond to provocation diverse: Who silences approvals?

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In recent years, the streaming platform has also become home to various anime and thus is more geared towards this type of TV series. Thanks to the innovation implemented, in fact, the diversity of users has increased significantly: it can count, in fact, subscribers with diverse tastes.

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