what’s bothering you? Della Contrada, introducing Maria Peresi

what's bothering you?  Della Contrada, introducing Maria Peresi

Today’s appointment is at 6 pm, guest of our program “what’s bothering you?” On social channels (YouTube and Facebook) from Contrada Sarah Maria Pearisi, Associate Professor in the Physics Department of the University of Trieste in Theoretical Physics of Matter.

His research activity is primarily devoted to the theoretical / computational investigation of simulated materials at the atomic scale, often in close collaboration with experimental groups. The materials studied include semiconductors, heterogeneous structures, amorphous systems, materials for X-ray electronics, and in recent years in particular, metallic surfaces, adsorbents, nanostructures, organic / inorganic systems, graphene, and other two-dimensional materials. She is the author of more than 100 articles in international magazines and some book chapters. She has worked as a lead investigator on several scientific projects of national and international importance (a three-year ongoing project with Serbia, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; other recent international collaborations include Argentina and the United States).

In addition to research activity and a commitment to teaching in undergraduate courses, it has also always been interested in publishing, educational guidance and other activities now known as the “third mission”. She is the Delegate of the Physics Department for the Upcoming Extension and responsible for the University of Trieste for the Degree Scheme – Physics. He has coordinated numerous scholarly and educational publishing projects for high schools.

He is currently in charge of the scientific publishing project. “Dante and the Admiration for Reality: The Path of Physics and Mathematics between Literature and ArtFrom the University of Trieste, with recent funding from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.

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