Dave Chappelle turns out to be hard hitting 8:46

Dave Chappelle turns out to be hard hitting 8:46

The 27-minute monologue is entitled “8:46” how long former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was filmed kneeling on Floyd’s neck before he died.

“This man knelt on a man’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Can you imagine that ?!” Chappelle says during his standing. “This kid thought he was going to die, he knew he was going to die. He called his dead mother.”

Chappelle noted that “8:46” is creepy enough at the same time as the time of day the comedian was born.

Chappelle admits that the socially distanced play, filmed June 6 in Yellow Springs, Ohio, is strange and less than ideal for the performance.

He gets raw about everything from Floyd’s death to the media in a set that weighs more on observations than a joke.

“What does it mean that you can kneel a man’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds and feel like you wouldn’t get the wrath of God?” Chappelle said. “It’s happening right now. It’s not for one cop, for all that.”

He exempted an exception from CNN’s Don Lemon, who accused celebrities of “sitting in your crops and doing nothing.”

“Does it have anything to do with a celebrity? No,” Chappelle said. “These streets speak for themselves. I don’t need them right now.”

The comic also had harsh words for conservative commentator Candace Owens and Fox TV presenter Laura Ingraham.

It is especially current free streaming on youtube.

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