A warning issued after poisonous hairy caterpillar larvae were spotted in Virginia

A warning issued after poisonous hairy caterpillar larvae were spotted in Virginia

It’s a hair-raising pose.

A subspecies of hairy caterpillars – considered the most poisonous in the United States – was recently spotted in Virginia.

The state’s Department of Forestry warns residents to be informed Caterpillar puss, Which looks soft and furry – but hidden sharp spines that can stick to human skin.

This caterpillar’s “hair” is actually poisonous spines that cause a painful reaction if touched. Books on Facebook.

A venomous critter’s backbone can cause symptoms that include severe pain, itchy rash, nausea, and vomiting when touched or touched. To the University of Michigan.

Last month, a woman in Richmond, Virginia went to the emergency room after a tour with one of these so-called “toxic wigs.”

“It just felt like a burning knife was running through my leg on the outside,” Crystal Spindell-Gaston I told Virginia Mercury.

Even after being treated with antihistamines and over-the-counter pain medications, Gaston said the “sting spot” felt like a second or third degree burn, and it felt so sore, like my bones hurt. “

A mother in Florida, whose son is fighting a fog bug in 2018, said he had suffered “the worst pain he had ever felt”.

Measuring less than two inches, fearsome reptiles feed on shade trees such as elm, oak and sycamore and are usually found in the southern states, heading north to Maryland and west into Texas.

Their mysterious appearance has also drawn comparisons to President Trump’s hair over the years.

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