4G acceleration: Geo is on top in downloads, Vodafone Idea in uploads | Communication | Vodafone Idea Limited | Reliance Jio | Airtel | Technology News | Technology News | malayalam technology news


There have been allegations that the network of telecom service providers has slumped as most people switched their studies and jobs online without going out due to the Kovid-19 panic. But Troy’s report shows that the speed of most networks has increased sharply in recent months. According to TRAI, Geo is the fastest download tool for 4G networks and Vodafone Idea is the first to upload.

According to Triadata, the average 4G download speed of Reliance Jio is 20.9 megabytes per second (Mbps). Vodafone Idea also took the lead with an upload speed of 7.2 Mbps. 4G Geo network speeds increased 15 percent in September, while rivals Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea gained 85 percent and 60 percent, respectively, to 11.9Mbps and 14.4Mbps.

Downloading will help customers quickly access content from the Internet. At the same time, uploading allows them to quickly send photos or videos to their contacts or share them with them.

According to a report by the Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (TRAI), 4G downloads by three private carriers in September are progressing rapidly. Vodafone Idea maintained an average upload speed of 7.2 Mbps in September. It is followed by Reliance Jio with a download speed of 6.2 Mbps and Bharti Airtel at 4.5 Mbps.

BSNL, a public sector telecom service provider, offers 4G services only in select regions. However, the BSNL 4G network was not immediately included in the TRAI report. Average speed is calculated on a live basis based on data collected across India with the help of MySpeed ​​app from Troy.

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English Summary: Jio tops the 4G chart with 20.9Mbps download speed in September: TRAI


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